
Sign UserOp

Learn how to sign user operations using the Okto SDK.

The signUserOp() method is available on the OktoClient instance and is used to sign user operations before they can be executed on the blockchain. This method is essential for preparing transactions in a secure manner.


import { useOkto } from '@okto_web3/react-sdk'; 
function SignOperation() {
    const oktoClient = useOkto();
    // Sample UserOp before signing
    const userOp = { 
        sender: "0xa9F6b3A5a718754979dbA78113f3614Dd4524c53", 
        nonce: "0x000000000000000000000000000000006c3581e0bd4f42d4a16294410c439e7a", 
        paymaster: "0x5408fAa7F005c46B85d82060c532b820F534437c", 
        callGasLimit: "0x493e0", 
        verificationGasLimit: "0x30d40", 
        preVerificationGas: "0xc350", 
        maxFeePerGas: "0x77359400", 
        maxPriorityFeePerGas: "0x77359400", 
        paymasterPostOpGasLimit: "0x186a0", 
        paymasterVerificationGasLimit: "0x186a0", 
        callData: "0x8dd7712f000...", // truncated for brevity 
        paymasterData: "0x000000000..." // truncated for brevity 
    async function handleSignOperation(userOp) {
        try {
            const signedOp = await oktoClient.signUserOp(userOp); 
            console.log('Signed operation:', signedOp);
            return signedOp;
        } catch (error) {
            console.error('Error signing operation:', error);
    return (
        <button onClick={() => handleSignOperation(userOp)}>
            Sign Operation


For error handling:

Method Overview

async oktoClient.signUserOpSign a user operation

Sign UserOp

async oktoClient.signUserOp(userop: UserOp) signs a user operation with the user's credentials.


useropUserOpThe user operation to be signedYes


Success Response

Field NameTypeDescription
resultPromise<SignedUserOp>Returns the signed user operation

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