SDK Error and Warnings

List of all errors and warnings as a reference for developers.

General Errors

AA24Signature ErrorThe validateUserOp function of the smart account rejected the signature of the user operation.
AA30Paymaster Not DeployedThe first 20 bytes of the paymasterAndData field specify the address of the paymaster contract you are requesting to use. The paymaster contract is not deployed.
AA31Paymaster Deposit Too LowThe first 20 bytes of the paymasterAndData field specify the address of the paymaster contract you are requesting to use. The paymaster contract does not have enough funds deposited into the EntryPoint contract to cover the required prefund of the user operation.
AA33Reverted (or OOG)OOG = Out Of Gas. The validatePaymasterUserOp function of the paymaster contract either reverted or ran out of gas.
AA34Signature ErrorThe first 20 bytes of the paymasterAndData field specify the address of the paymaster contract you are requesting to use. The validatePaymasterUserOp function of the paymaster contract rejected the signature of the user operation.

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